Asırlardır farklı yaşamlara ve kültürlere ev sahipliği yapmış kozmopolit bir mahalle olan Çukurcuma’da, bugün eskinin görkemli günlerini korumaya çalışan evler arasında sakin bir yaşam sürülüyor. Nobel ödüllü yazar Orhan Pamuk’un Masumiyet Müzesi’ne 100 metre mesafedeki Cuma, keyifli bahçesiyle antikacı dükkanlarına komşuluk ediyor. Bir asrı devirmiş merdivenlerinden çıktığınızda kendinizi bir ev-restoranda buluyorsunuz. Antre, mutfak, oturma odası, yemek odası ve keyif köşeleriyle size dönemler ve ülkeler arasında lezzetli bir yolculuğa davet ediyor. Dekorasyonda kullanılan 1920’lerden kalan antika mobilyalar, 50’li yıllara ait modern tasarımlar, tuğla duvarlar bir araya gelerek eklektik atmosferi besliyor.

The creator of “Cuma”, Banu Tiryakioğlu, discovered his passion while working as a photo stylist for cookbooks. She studied Professional Cookery at the Academy of Culinary Arts, then gained experience in different restaurants. When she saw this building on the streets of Çukurcuma, she realized it was time to open her restaurant and opened Cuma in 2012. The place takes its name from Djouma, meaning “Cuma”, referred to in the French antique maps of Çukurcuma. Cuma is an all-day restaurant experience and a coffee shop that stands out for its specialty coffees in different flavours.

In Cuma, local ingredients and vegetables and fruits are used in the season. The material is almost picked up or coming from there. They go after genetically unmodified seeds and materials derived from traditional methods of production. Shopping is done in the organic market in Feriköy and Kastamonu Market in Kasımpaşa. In the stone mill from Bandırma, they make ground “karakılçık” wheat and sour yeast bread themselves. Acuka, hummus, and jams, which accompany bread for breakfast and meals, were so loved that they offered these products for sale with the pit brand they established afterward. Two years ago, they opened “Saloncuma” and concentrated on private dining. Thursday and Friday by reservation, Saloncuma has been transformed into a different venue with its historical texture, high ceilings, three halls and bars that have become grandiose with the old nexus parquets. Other days, special invitations, launches, birthday parties are reserved for guests in the sense of taste and atmosphere gives an unforgettable experience.